Greetings from your neighbors at Caribbean Cargo DC (CCDC)!
We hope that each of you remain safe and vigilant as we weather the pandemic known as COVID-19. This is an extremely trying time for us here in the Mid-Atlantic and across the globe. As your neighbor, CCDC is continuing to do its part to stay abreast of news from credible sources such as the and the World Health Organization (WHO).
As mentioned in our previous update, our offices implemented remote capabilities for administrative staff members last year. Therefore, we are fully operational and are here to help each of our valued customers in this most difficult and trying time.
Our message to the Mid-Atlantic community in which we serve is simple: we are concerned and encourage you to exercise caution to remain healthy.
We also understand that some of your family members overseas have no food and rely heavily on assistance. It is for this reason we encourage you to take advantage of our reliable pick-up and drop-off services.
In addition to us maintaining office hours, we will be providing updates from our authorized vendors to keep you informed of overseas port changes as they relate to collecting cargo reaching its final destination. We will continue to remain open as long as our vendors (carriers/truckers) remain open for business.
CCDC again acknowledges that these are unprecedented times within the USA and will continue to engage with our customers online, via phone and email to share some encouragement and important updates.
Please visit our website at for more updates as they become available.